Evidence based articles and news.
Air Purifier Articles from the People Behind Air Sentry Air Purification Systems.

HEPA and Better
HEPA and Better NHS Air Filtration Supplier since 2000. Contact Providing Clean Air HEPA filters have been with us for many years now, and they are great. You’ll find them in medical applications, HVAC systems and even in popular vacuum cleaners. In fact Miele were using HEPA filters in their vacuum cleaners back in the 90s and it was deemed to be a good thing, even then. But what is an HEPA Air Filter? HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA filters are a type of filter made from finely interlaced fibres of polypropylene or fibreglass with the

Clean Air and London in the Great Smog
Clean Air, An essential that should be a Human Right NHS Air Filtration Supplier since 2000. Contact Clean Air, Essential for Survival We require clean air to breathe and survive. This was made obvious during the Great Smog of London which was responsible for the deaths of up to 12,000 people. From Friday December 5th to Tuesday December 9th 1952 London suffered from ‘The Great Smog’ as a period of unusually cold weather, an anticyclone and an extended windless period, allowed airborne pollutants, mostly arising from the burning of coal, to build up over the city. As well as impacting

Net Zero and Ventilation
World Ventil8 Day Net Zero & Ventilation, is it just Hot Air? Contact Thought Experiment How can Innovation in Ventilation help Net Zero? Presentation by Andrew Carnegie, Managing Director of Air Sentry Limited. Healthcare Estates Conference, October 2022. https://airsentry.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/22.10.31-IHEEM.mp4 Consultation Request Enter your details below to request a no obligation consultation. One of our engineers will call you within 24 hours of your request.

Utilising Air Sentry to provide Positive Pressure in a room environment
NHS Air Filtration Supplier since 2000. Contact Positive Pressure Protects the Patient The 4 ‘P’s mnemonic to help remember how and why it is utilised. Positive pressure is often associated with operating rooms, where it is used universally to protect patients being operated upon from airborne pathogens entering the room via the airborne route. It is also now being used in minor operating environments and some outpatient type areas for the same reason, particularly around particularly vulnerable patients, who may be significantly immune compromised. Positive Wall Mounted Pressure Unit Positive Mobile Pressure Unit Air Sentry’s system has been successfully used

What is an Aerosol Generating Procedure?
How do we protect medical staff from AGPs and the Role of the AGP Calculator? NHS Air Filtration Supplier since 2000. Contact What is an Aerosol Generating Procedure? What risk does this create for healthcare professionals? The term ‘Aerosol Generating Procedure’ (AGP) is used to describe an activity that may result in the release of small airborne particles (aerosols) or droplets. If the patient is suffering from an infectious disease this may be transmitted through the airborne or droplet route during an AGP. Medical procedures in this category form a lengthy list, which includes tracheal intubation and extubation, manual ventilation,

Winter Window Dilemma
Winter Window Dilemna – Air Purifiers or an Open Window? Do we need to throw open the windows to limit the risk of Coronavirus infection this winter? Contact Heating your work space while maintaining infection control. Heating costs versus Coronavirus infection. The winter window dilemma. Government public health protocols are subject to regular review and update as the Coronavirus pandemic evolves. It can be difficult to be ready for future stages and balance conflicting needs. While throwing open the windows might solve one problem, it introduces others and sends expensive energy out of those windows too. Your staff want to

Is this Team Photograph Covid Safe?
The answer is yes, read on to hear how Infection Control measures protect the group to almost zero risk. Covid protection measures explained. Contact Team Photograph MEDICA Leading International Trade Fair The above photo was taken at the MEDICA exhibition in November 2021. Let’s explain the Infection Control Measures: There are two Air Sentry hospital grade units running on this area. The air quality has been tested before the photograph was taken. We therefore knew the air was clean. Once the air is confirmed as clean. The Air Sentry System keeps it clean. Everyone in the photo had been wearing

Do air purifiers work?
The answer is yes, if they are designed and deployed correctly. What are the critical elements in design and deployment? Book a Consultation Do Air Purifiers work? Firstly, let’s understand what is in the air. The air in your home and the air in hospitals is the same air. It seems obvious to state that but it means that many of the things that create problems for patients in hospitals are also in the air in our homes, and vice versa. Dust mites and bed mites float around in unseen quantities that our minds do not wish to accept. Moulds