Do Air Purifiers work?
Firstly, let's understand what is in the air.
The air in your home and the air in hospitals is the same air.
It seems obvious to state that but it means that many of the things that create problems for patients in hospitals are also in the air in our homes, and vice versa. Dust mites and bed mites float around in unseen quantities that our minds do not wish to accept.
Moulds such as Aspergillus, that black mold we see on many surfaces, is everywhere. When we start to analyse airborne particles and just how many particles are in our air initially it seems unbelievable.
"Air is essential for life and yet remains an overlooked mystery to many. Air is everywhere yet we allow it to become polluted with emissions and in health care even common sense precautions around infected patients, such as high end FFP3 masks, are decried as unnecessary expenses."
Dr Clive Beggs, ‘The Forgotten Pathway’. 2003 paper titled “The Airborne Transmission of Infection in Hospital Buildings: Fact or Fiction”.